A Christian Responds to Brazil vs. Germany


Being in Brazil while they host the world cup has been an amazing experience.  I’ve gained a greater appreciation for the sport, and enjoyed the electric atmosphere that surrounds the games.  But I’m not here to turn all cultural on you or rave about a game that millions are already fanatical about.  Hopefully as you continue reading all will become clear.

If you’re one of my American friends, I don’t necessarily expect you to have watched the game, and I certainly don’t expect you to have watched the post-loss interview with star player David Luiz.  I’ve really enjoyed watching Luiz play throughout the cup.  He plays with more heart than anyone I’ve ever seen.  Its inspiring.  The short interview can be seen here, and is what many would describe as a “heartbreaker.”

Luiz struggles to talk as tears stream down his face and his voice is strained by overwhelming emotion.  I know what many of you are thinking: Its just a game!  And you’re right, but this player isn’t just crying about a game.  He’s crying because he feels the weight of the identity of a nation on his shoulders.  Listen to his words:

I just wanted to see my people smile. We all know how important it was for me to see all of Brazil be happy, at least because of football.”

Those words really impacted me.  I’ve been told that David Luiz is evangelical, a generic term that is thrown around a lot here.  I have no way of judging the sincerity of his faith and no desire to. But I found myself wanting to take him by the shoulders and tell him:

David, the people DO have something wonderful to smile about!  Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, delivered himself over to die on a cross so that they could be pardoned!  God Almighty, the Creator of the universe, welcomes every single last one of them to be a part of his Holy Nation, and to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.  He wants to change their lives from the inside out.  He wants to teach them about healthy relationships, strong marriages, honesty, peace, and joy.  And salvation!  We derive our value not from the fact that we are Americans, Brazilians, or Germans, but from the fact that we are made in God’s image and invited to His feast.

I think that sports will always occupy the deepest, most passionate parts of the hearts of millions.  We need a group to belong to.  We need something to reassure us that we are valuable, that we are part of an elite community.  We desperately want something to celebrate, an excuse to throw a party.

Well, God’s family has a feast each week commemorating their savior, who vanquished DEATH, of all opponents, and enriches their lives daily.

Really, my friend Miguel said it better than anyone as we were watching the game.  Germany had just finished their startling unanswered 4 goal streak in about 20 minutes.  And honestly, it was sad, to see these men who had worked so hard and who carried the pride of a nation on their shoulders, to fall so swiftly.  There is some merit to feeling disappointed when you’ve worked hard and now your season is ended before you planned.  I’m not knocking anyone who has ever cried over a game.

But as the TV screen showed shot after shot of heartbroken Brazilians with tears streaming down their faces, many of the people I was with were actually having a great time with each other, reading the Bible verses that were printed on the little candies that Jonah had brought out for us, translating them for each other from English into Portuguese.  We were smiling and laughing, and my friend Miguel remarked,

“all of Brazil is crying, and here we are laughing, because we’ve got Jesus.” 

I don’t think I’ll ever forget that.  Thank God that we don’t have to base our identities on the performance of a group of men in a certain color jersey that we’ve never even met.  Thank God we don’t have to base our identity even on our closest friends and loved ones.  And thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord, that Brazilians, and people everywhere DO have something to smile about.  They really DO, David Luiz.  We just need to get the word out to them.